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St. Colmcille's Primary School, Ballymena, Co Antrim

Celebrating Maths Week in St. Colmcille’s

18th Oct 2024

This year, our school enthusiastically participated in Maths Week Ireland, an engaging celebration that highlights the importance of mathematics in everyday life. With the theme "Maths at Work," we enjoyed a week filled with exciting visitors and hands-on activities that brought maths to life for our students!

Our Week of Activities

Throughout the week, each class took on special numeracy tasks related to different jobs, showcasing how maths is applied in various careers. We also welcomed a variety of visitors who shared how they use maths in their professions.

Primary 1: Construction Skills

Our Primary 1 students turned their attention to construction! They helped our head chef, Maggie, in the school canteen, learning about measurements and shapes while building models with blocks. This hands-on activity helped them understand how maths is essential in creating strong structures.

Primary 2: A Visit from Nurse Ciara McCaul

In Primary 2, the students welcomed Nurse Ciara McCaul, who explained how maths is used in healthcare. She shared insights on calculating medication dosages and tracking patients’ vital signs, showing students how maths helps keep people healthy.

Primary 3: Designing Buildings as Architects

Primary 3 students became architects for the week, using their knowledge of 3D shapes to design their own buildings. Also, with the help of LeeAnn from the Ballymena Credit Union, they learned about money management.

Primary 4: Shopkeepers and Money Skills

Primary 4 put their money skills to the test by acting as shopkeepers! They learned about pricing, budgeting, and making transactions. A trip to the library also helped them discover the Dewey Decimal System, emphasizing the importance of order and accuracy in managing resources.

Primary 5: Chefs Creating Delicious Goods

Our Primary 5 students stepped into the role of chefs, using their math skills to produce some delicious treats. They measured ingredients, calculated portions, and figured out costs to ensure they could make a profit. Representatives from Danske Bank also visited to discuss how maths is used in banking, enriching their understanding of finance.

Primary 6: Collecting and Analysing Data

In Primary 6, students focused on collecting and analysing data, an important tool in all business sectors. They learned how to interpret statistics with Catriona Murray Tait, who showed them how she uses formulas to calculate weights for exercises and nutritional plans. Additionally, Sean and Lauren Taylor from Dessert Co. and Pizza Co. explained how maths is crucial in baking and cooking. Some classes even had the chance to cook themselves!

Primary 7: Investigating Supply and Demand as Bankers

Finally, Primary 7 took on the role of bankers, investigating the effects of supply and demand. The learned how pricing and sales can be influenced by supply and demand. Ellie Tsang, a data business analyst, and Damien Heaney, a paramedic with Northern Ireland Ambulance Service shared their experiences, showing the real-world applications of maths in data analysis and emergency situations.

Maths Week Ireland was a great opportunity for our students to see the real-world applications of maths. Each class engaged in activities that showcased how maths is not just about numbers—it’s an essential skill in many exciting careers.

We are grateful to all our guests for their time and contributions, and we hope this week has sparked a lasting interest in maths among our students.